American Cabernet Sauvignon Cask Edition

Large Tamnavulin RWCE No4 Cutout Bottlefront 750Ml

Part of our Cask Editions range, this whisky brings the bold, fruity flavours of American Cabernet Sauvignon red wine to our signature Speyside single malt whisky. 

Like all Tamnavulin, this whisky starts life in American ex-bourbon casks and is finished in American Cabernet Sauvignon red wine casks. Expect the addition of forest fruits and coconut to our classic sweet, smooth and fruity house style. 

  • Colour

    Rich golden bronze.


    Forest fruits, with fresh baked brioche, cacao and sweet spice dusting.


    Sweet coconut and vanilla, with hints of gingerbread and blackberry.

  • “Excellent taste with subtle undertones brought about by the wine casks. Smooth, balanced – a nice dram.”

    South Carolina, USA

    “I love Tamnavulin, but the addition of the cabernet sauvignon is a cut above! Super smooth and mellow, I will definitely buy again.”

    Jeff, UK

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